
Product Center

SF-2Y Marginal Pb-free self-lubricating bearing

Product description:

SF-2 Marginal Pb-free self-lubricating bearing is used steel-backing as its structure, sintered porous bronze as its interlayer, surface inlaid the modified POM. Suitable for marginally lubricated and dry operation on the conditions of lubrication indents grease. It has been widely applied to metallurgical machinery, Mine machinery, water conservancy machinery, vapor locomotive, building machinery, agriculture machinery, steel rolling industry etc.

罗山县| 内黄县| 玛沁县| 金华市| 金阳县| 勃利县| 江达县| 彭水| 普陀区| 周口市| 大埔县| 习水县| 中牟县| 莱西市| 班戈县| 兴宁市| 万山特区| 思茅市| 天镇县| 达州市| 青神县| 会泽县| 富锦市| 汉源县| 泌阳县| 武强县| 施甸县| 万源市| 黑水县| 正蓝旗| 育儿| 保山市| 凉城县| 金塔县| 新安县| 敖汉旗| 老河口市| 肥城市| 福清市| 石棉县| 泽州县|